Accidents happen.
Fraud shouldn’t have to.

Private Label Auto Insurance Fraud Detection Services

Our accident towing program safeguards insurers and policyholders from unfair towing practices. In Ontario alone, auto insurance fraud ranges between $770 million and $1.6 billion per year. Tow operators called “chasers” often take control over what occurs at the scene of an accident because they can get there first. They will offer services not related to towing such as referrals to disreputable shops, healthcare and legal services. Policyholders, when involved in an accident, don’t always know their rights or what to do when confronted by a “chaser.”

Assistance Services Group’s (ASG) unique offering helps insurance companies prevent, detect and reduce fraud. This, is in addition to the provision of professional and timely towing.

We will work in partnership with all major insurers, leveraging an extensive network of towing operators, healthcare professionals and customer service representatives. Supporting the business needs of insurance companies, ASG  takes a proactive role in fraud prevention and management.

Policyholders can call a dedicated toll-free number to their insurance company or ASG from the scene of an accident or at the CRC, and our affiliated towing operators will be dispatched immediately. They will ensure the vehicle recovery and movement is hassle-free and completed in accordance with the insurance provider’s protocol.

Benefits of ASG’s Private Label Auto Insurance Fraud Detection Services

Auto insurance fraud is a substantial issue within the industry, costing companies billions of dollars annually. Partnering with ASG offers the significant benefit of reducing auto insurance fraud.

Insurance companies working with ASG can leverage our expertise and advanced technology to effectively detect and prevent fraudulent auto insurance claims, utilizing data from ASG and its extensive provider network.

ASG’s providers have extensive experience handling auto accidents and breakdowns, with specialized training to identify signs of insurance fraud, such as staged incidents. They can also gather crucial information to investigate claims thoroughly. This collaboration allows insurance companies to swiftly pinpoint potential fraud cases and take proactive measures to mitigate them.

Additionally, ASG’s providers offer supplementary services including mobile app-based accident reporting, real-time photo capture, and GPS tracking. These features enable insurance companies to monitor claims in real time, reducing fraud risk and enhancing claim processing accuracy.


private label insurance risk solutions


In Ontario alone, auto insurance fraud ranges between $770 million and 1.6 billion per year.

Service Features

We help you control the tow by towing the vehicle to your preferred shop over 84% of the time.

Our accident event management program brings you claim savings.

We help you limit or eliminate storage and related costs.

We are available to your policyholders 24/7/365 on their preferred device.

Give your policy holder professional help and trusted advice when they need it. Right away.


Tow a policyholder's vehicle to your preferred shop.